About me 關於我

Hi, this is Pin-Hsuan Chiang, as known as Pin, an illustrator who was born in Taiwan and has studied abroad at the San Francisco in the United States. She graduated with a BFA degree in Illustration from The Academy of Art University in 2013.
Pin loves narrative illustration. She likes the narrative art and storytelling skill of American artist Norman Rockwell so much that she hopes she can create the influenced works like him one day.
Provide:Illustration and Design works|Handmade Greeting Card design
Skill:Photoshop|Illustrator|Procreate|Watercolor|Handmade Craft art
|About Brand|
A story doesn't need to start from 'once upon a time' or written in thousands to millions words. A few words with an illustration would be able to telling a living story.
Pin believes ‘story’ happens around us all the time. It might be short and plain, but Pin enjoys creating these causes and effects.
And because of that, Pin wants to embed this concept into her artworks. She aims to creating illustration for people to expand their imagination, hopes people can enjoy the process of finding the stories behind her illustration.
・Academy of Art University Major in illustration for 4 years
・2015 Asia Illustrator Collections
・2015 RED Exhibition by FLiPER Magazine
・冰君 Hyoukun - LOGO and Menu Layout Design
・Goodee Swing Skirt - Grand Opening Limited Drawstring and Postcard
・POP UP ASIA & Dimanche - Co-branded Notebook
畢業於美國舊金山Academy of Art University插畫系,不過出社會後卻幾乎在做跟設計排版有關的工作,而練出了對插畫及設計印刷都熟練的相輔相成技能。工作之餘熱愛製作紙類相關的印刷品。
所謂的"story故事",不一定要長篇大論到幾千幾萬字,不用從once upon a time起頭。短短幾行字,簡單一張畫,就能敘說出一個生動的故事。
Experience / 經歷
・Academy of Art University 舊金山藝術大學 插畫系畢
Exhibition / 展覽
・2015 亞洲插畫祭
・2015 FLiPER生活藝文誌「RED紅」農曆年特展
Cooperation / 商業合作
・冰君 Hyoukun-LOGO及菜單版面設計
・Goodee Swing Skirt-開幕滿額贈品束口袋及明信片
・POP UP ASIA & Dimanche 迪夢奇聯名-官方筆記本

我喜歡充滿敘事性的創作,對於蘊含了故事的插畫愛不釋手。深受Norman Rockwell那畫中有話的風格影響,期望自己也能藉由一張插畫就傳達出豐富的情緒或意涵。